photo by Diana Rowland

photo by Diana Rowland

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wednesday, Nation's Night at the World Championships

Wednesday was already a busy day, and now we had Nation's Night to look forward to. A group of supporters and friends arrived at the big tent at 7 PM to set up the US table. Judy Fryer and Phil Needs, who have supported the team at each pony championship, covered the expenses (THANK YOU!) and did the cooking. We served hamburgers on the grill and shots of Jack Daniels. Decorations came from all over, as each driver brought a bag of assorted patriotic items. I brought red, white and blue stuff from the Aiken Driving Club, Irene Gillis and Peggy Dils, among others who donated decorations to the cause.

Chef Philip
I can honestly say I have never seen so many full shot glasses anywhere! Each table featured the specialties of that country to eat and drink. From chocolate to sausage, every food group was represented, and each table had a large amount of that country's favorite alcohol available. My favorite was Pimms at the GB table. Some tables had people in traditional dress handing out goodies. The US showed their pride with national colors.

Jeff getting ready for the party to begin
As the evening went on, the alcohol took effect and the party got rolling. There were a few skits performed on stage, and dance music played. Mio Allo did a very good Supreme's lip sync accompanied by a French driver in a skirt and wig and our own Laurie Astegiano. There was dancing on tables and lots of fun. Sadly I had dressage the next day so did not partake (except for a Pimm's and the chocolate) and left early to check on Cooper and get some sleep. We could hear the music from our hotel room and the party went on for a long time. From the photos I've seen, and the stories I heard, it was a VERY fun time.

I did get a photo with the Kosack, our name for the guy who worked all day at the show and dressed up at night in an interesting outfit. He was very hard to understand and we really don't know what he was all about, but he was hard to miss!

All the countries got along great at the party, but soon the serious side of the competition would begin. Next up, Thursday, dressage day number one.

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