photo by Diana Rowland

photo by Diana Rowland

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

It's Over!

I apologize for not posting during the Championship. I had to make the decision to totally devote my energy to the task. In fact, I did not go online the entire week. As I now start to catch up on my emails, thank you all for your positive comments and great emails, I appreciate each and everyone of them. Thank you as well to those who are still holding down the fort at home as we work our way home. And the best deserved thanks to Cooper who was a trooper and a star throughout the journey!

Over the next few days I will update this blog with behind the scenes going ons and add photos so you can get a feel for all the ups and downs of the Championship. The good news ****SPOILER ALERT**** is that Team USA won the Bronze Medal!!! We worked well as a team in every phase which was very inspiring. Congratulations to Suzy Stafford who drove as an individual and won her own Bronze Medal, too!!

Thank you all for your support!!!

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