photo by Diana Rowland

photo by Diana Rowland

Monday, April 18, 2011

Southern Pines Last Day

We watched the news on Saturday night and it was evident how lucky we were to avoid the severe weather that hit the area hard. All around the area numerous tornados touched down and caused major damage, injuries and fatalities. It makes a horse show seem very insignificant when you realize so many lost so much. Our thoughts are with those hit by the storms.

Cones day was sunny and bright. The course was spread through both dressage arenas and the area between them. The sponsor's tent was set in just the right spot to see everything, and there were bleachers for spectators. I think they had many more spectators the previous years but I am sure the weather deterred many.

The course was measured tight and the time was hard to make for all levels, with two zig zag elements back to back. The show had an electronic timer for the first time, and it's large display made it interesting to compare the rounds.

We didn't go until almost 2 PM, and I found it very difficult to get up and psyched for my round. Cooper warmed up well, but he was equally unmotivated and we had balls and time penalties. Fran thinks it's just the let down after our spring goal of winning Live Oak, and he may be right. I'm sure the adrenaline of the marathon and the pressure of competing would have helped. Anyway, it was a good school and showed me what to work on. Many thanks to Dottie Paul for all her help and Irene Gillis for taking care of us from her live in accomodations next door. She kept us all warm, dry and fed when the monsoon came through on Saturday. She also won her class with a double clear in cones! Arnie Brooks also had a good showing in the class with his new horse. Congrats to Janelle Marshall for winning our class. Must have been the great navigator :)

Cooper is going to relax for a few days then I am going to start riding him a bit for some cross training. We are awaiting more info about training and team selection for the World Championships so we can make some plans for the fall season.

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